Thursday, August 11, 2011

Used Car Donation : How to Donate a Car in Michigan

Uploaded by on Dec 10, 2008

When donating a car in Michigan, talk to a charitable organization about whether they accept cars and what their administrative overhead is, find the title of the car and set up a pick-up time. Give the charity tax receipt information on a donated car with advice from an employee of the National Kidney Foundation in this free video on used car donation.

Recycling old electronics / computers , printers , monitors etc.. (Canada)

Charity(Click To Donate) Description Items needed
Electronic Recycling Association of Alberta computers, laptops, servers, Cisco Routers
Help youth in Alberta by providing computers to charities and non profit organizations that need them. 200 Computers, Monitors, Laptops, Servers, Printers, Fax Machines
We have field staff who are required to make presentations and be in contact with the Regional Office. Laptops would facilitate the ability to travel with all materials, powerpoint and email access 3 laptops
Looking for servers to be used to store our Public Website and an number of Internal Websites used only by the Food Bank. We want to use Ubuntu Linux (Server Install), running Apache, PHP, MySql Server
Canadian Red Cross is a charity that helps people in Canada and across the world, The main purpose is to have more equipment to assist in Emergency. 3 Desktops, 8 Laptops
BFO-Toronto is a volunteer-based, bereavement support organization that offers programs and services, based on the mutual support model to individuals, families, groups and communities throughout Toronto Computers
EBIRS The Edmonton Brain Injury Relearning Society (EBIRS), a registered charitable organization, was established in the early 1990�s in response to the need for brain injury rehabilitation services 20 Computers, 20 Monitors, keyboards, mice, power cords.
The Lacombe Action Group is a registered non-profit organization that supports children and adults with disabilities. Our Mission statement is to make difference in our communities by providing education projector, laptop, 5 computers, overhead projector
5 laptops: For outreach workers who travel around the province. 5 desktops: For our members who live in supported housing. 5 Computer Systems 5 Laptops
Will be used in emergency reception centres located at community centres for communications to other sites by amateur radio operators Cisco routers 2621 and/or 3600
Drug and Alcohol recovery program Laptops
We help and assist individuals who have multiple barriers and/or are applying for disability, who are classed as unemployable at this time, to integrate themselves into society. 3 Laptops
West Coast Domestic Workers' Association (WCDWA) is a non-profit association that provides free legal assistance and support in the form of advocacy and counselling about issues related to caregiving Computers, Laptops, Printers
non profit charity providing technology to non profits and low income persons 6 laptop computers, with wireless cards, and a wireless router
In keeping with the legacy of the Lost Boys of Sudan, The American Care and Education for Sudan was founded when Sudanese live in poorest rural areas or impoverished villages in Southern Sudan 3 computers: two laptops and one flat computer
Non-profit charity that has been in existence since 1900 owns and operates the Eva Brook Donly Museum and Norfolk Archives microfilm reader-printer; 2 laptops; 1 large flatbed scanner (and software) capable of scanning large framed items; data projector
We are a community based non-profit society focusing on the early years. Our programs serve the needs of children, parents and caregivers through education, support and childcare centres. computers
To operate a community access programme, instruct newcommers, provide wordprocessing facilities etc. 4 newer cpu units, and keyboards other auxillary units if available
Aim is to creat 10 computer laboratories in schools with abouve 1000 students and 10 community centers for women and youths. 200 computers, printers
to telecast the word of our Lord world wide. Studio Cameras, Switcher, Audio Board, TBC Time Base Corrector,
To conduct daily adminstrative duties. scanner; 2 laser printer
Calgary Chinese Community Service Associ SEVEN - LAPTOP. SEVEN - PDA devices. TWO � Desktop computers. SEVEN - 17inch LCD monitors. ONE server.
The International Alliance for Youth Sports (IAYS) was established in 2003 by National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) founder Fred Engh, and both organizations 10 Laptops, 10 Digital Cameras
To provide educational programming for our special needs students. We teach the students to actively use technology to make adaptations to their specific needs. Computers, laptops
Our objective is to fight unemployment and poverty in Cameroon through giving our students computer skills that they need to get employed. We do training on business and office technology, computerize Computer Sets, Printers, Computer monitor lens, etc
We provide a safe and caring environment for those men and women suffering from the impact of alcohol and other drug dependencies.We operate a shelter, detox and outreach program providing hope pcu,monitor,printer 2
We are in need of a computer(s) as our main computer is 8 years old and we are at the point where our 10 GB hard drive is full. This computer is used for all the day to day operations of the Community 1 computer would be wonderful but 2 would be excellent
Serving Burnaby and lower mainland youth for 40 years working with children, youth and their families , to find solutions, address challenges and achieve successful outcomes 4 Computers to support youth on youth aggrements
Help people with Tourette Syndrome Laptop - 1.5 GhZ, 80 GB Drive, DVD player
Chair, Sudanese Committee 1 laptop, 5 desktop computers, 6 desktop printers
Career & Employment Consultant Computers
Youth Advocate & after school drop in program coordinator 2 computers. including keyboards, mice, monitors and a printer

20 Computers of Pentium 4 level preferably loaded with Window XP, 22 Flat panel 17" monitors, keyboards, cables to match, an apartment size fridge.
a not-for-profit located in Calgary, Alberta monitor, 5 laptops, multi-document scanner
Treasurer laptop computer, handheld barcode scanner
Aunt Leah's Independent Lifeskills Society is dedicated to assisting youth and families in learning the necessary lifeskills for successful independent living. laptops, new computers, a scanner, a drawing tablet, printers.
to assist innmates with learning key board skills in the school program. To leave the centre with a computer generated resume. This request originated with the school teacher and chaplain. 6 computers with small floppy drives and CD drive, they will never be connected to the internet. CD drive needed to load programs and floppy disc so they can keep a copy for themselves.
Scanner Required Scanner
Provider of donated food to residents through the Salvation Army of North Vancouver 10 computers/printers
Homeless Shelter Complete computers and laptops
Sierra Club of BC Foundation is a registered charitable organization (#11914 9797 RR0001) which exists to protect and conserve our natural environment through research, science and education. laptops 512 Gb; new server -processor: Quad core, in the 3Ghz range
Computer Library four (4) complete desktop units (keyboards and monitors, too, if possible)
Environmental Restoration and Education laptops, flat screen moitors, desktop, hard drives for storage, tablets, software, large flat screen for presentation and online meeting
Livingroom Drop In Centre mental health day facility 10 computers
Environmental Educator Digital camera, video camera
Publication of work done by students
Parks, forestry and recreation center personal computers or computer parts
Aish Network of Alberta Society computers, laptops, printers, scanners, software
Laptop Laptop with DVD player
Camp Moomba supports Canadian children impacted with HIV/AIDS through a summer camp program and annual programs. We need 3 computers and 3 phones for use in our office. 3 computers systems (including monitor, CPU, keyboard and mouse) and 3 telephones
Youth Development Centre mac or pc; laptop or desktop
Resident/Client In-House Computer Lab Expansion 10 Computers: 2.0 GHZ CPU, 512MB RAM, 40GB HD
Mission: To maximize the ability of people with Down syndrome to lead independent lives and participate in the communities in which they live Newer used computers, mainly the cpu's as we have extra keyboards and monitors (very old). Many of our computers are 5+ years old and being held together as best we can, but are not reliable or effici
UMAYC Program Co-ordinator 2-3 desk top computers
the effeciency of work space 1 flat screen monitor
Our mission is enhancing Mexican talent in Canada through areas such as education, employment training and dissemination of our culture 10 Computers
MPA Society has a Drop-In Center for people with mental health issues 4 Computers, Monitors not required
International Indigenous Performing Arts School Seven New Computers
Bridging to Employment New or refurbished Lap top
Coordinator 2 laptops, 3 computers, 3 flat screen monitors, multimedia projector, server, software
CEO Computers and printers
founder/president 2 laptops and 2 desh tops
Volontary Firefigters Association 6 fully equiped desktop computers(monitor, mouse, keyboard), 2 laptops
In-School Settlement Worker 2 computers and a laptop
Executive Director 2 laptop computers with microsoft/windows programs
Parenting group 2 plain-paper (not curcly paper) fax machines with a bit of ink left
Executive Director / Founder 100 Reused Computers
Desheritated youth used working computers
Financial literacy program run by MRC for Servant Anonymous Calgary used desk and/or lap tops
Daycare Any kink of LCD monitor
First Nation Internet capable computer c/w 17
Family Centre 3 computers preferably at least one laptop
Chairperson Photocopier
Volunteer organizer 3 functioning lap top computers
Executive Director laptop, projector, copier, laminator
AIDS Service Organization LCD monitors & CPUs - quantity 4
International Community Development 2 laptops
Comouter skills training in rural Costa Rica Laptops
AIDS Service Organization providing direct services to people living with HIV, the provinces largest Needle Exchange Program and we wrok on a daily basis to address our communities needs through the Determianats of Health -- advocating for the most margenilized in our socities such as the poor, homeless, addicted, etc. 2 Computers (including monitors), 2 laptops, digital camera
Technical Coordinator and Community Organizer Computers, Monitors, Mice, Keyboards, network hardware if possible such as routers and switches
request for computers Computers 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor 1 GB of system memory (RAM);40 GB hard drive; 128 MB Graphics Memory (Video Card)
helps homeless and at risk of homelessnes and people living in poverty through sport and wellness programs. 2 laptops
deputy warden
Partnership Co-ordinator Colour printer, laptop, computers
Coordinator of Seniors Drop-in Cente HARD DRIVE AND MONITOR
Director computers, monitors, printers, digital cameras, speakers, webcams, microphones,
We ship humanitarian aid worldwide 20+
Settlement Manager Computers
desk top computer with internet capabilities plus printer if possible complete desktop computer with printer if possible
Mental Health Advocacy 3 computers and monitors

2 laptops
Principal LCD Monitors
Social services/human rights LCD flat monitors and laptop
Donet for ferugees at SriLanka cmputers
Clinical Director

adaptive mouse, roller mouse, adaptive keyboards
Technical Director 14 computers with xp and 2 servers

Computers, laptop
Coordinator laptop
Executive Director computers
Non Profit Agency Supporting Families in Alberta Computer & Printer
Non profit 2 Laptops, 1 scanner
Adult Day Care 3 computers
General Manager 2 desltop computers with monitors
We ship humanitarian aid to developing countries 10 computers, 5 laptops
Director Digital Scanner for scanning books
Deputy Warden 5 Computers
Youth Program Coordinator 1 Laptop
School coordinator
Community Outreach computer/laptops
Help us to educate and dispel ignorance and fear about epilepsy and help bring about acceptance. We deliver workshops and public education forums throughout BC to improve the quality of life for children, youth, families and adults affected by epilepsy. Our own LCD projector and screen (and laptop) will enable us to overcome technical incompatibility challenges with host equipment and enhance our effectiveness. LCD projector, screen, laptop
Administrative Assistant 1-8 laptops
Program Coordinator 1 to 3 laptops
Mrs. desktop pc/monitor, color printer/scanner/fax/copier, accessories (mouse, keyboard), office phone
Immigrant Youth and Young Adult Program - helping newcomer youth ages 15-25 to overcome barriers to employment and education. computers
Administrator Photocopier, computer, Label machine as we send out 2300 registration forms per year, Fax machine, Desk and chair, File cabinet
Director Computer,Printer,Copy Machine
Volunteer Worker 3 laptop computers

Lap tops
Youth and Family Service computers
Executive Director laptop
Fund Development Laptop computers

1 small tower server, 2 desktop systems, 4 laptops
Single Mothers 10 computers P4 or better
Executive Director ongoing upgrades
Literacy and Learning Site at the Slave Lake Friendship Centre 2 computers, 1 laptop
140 Units of supported housing providing housing, support and community-based programming for street youth and adults 2 computer hard drives and monitors, 2 mice, 2 sets of computer speakers, basic software.
Publishing Intern Apple/Mac hardware: ideally, iMacs desktops or laptops, and/or monitors for staff of 25
Senior Pastor Desktop Computers and Laptops
Client of Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton desk top computer with monitor and key board or laptop
Executive Director 3 computers (prefer Apple but can use PCs just as easily
Emergency Pregnancy Service computer and printer
Executive Director Rough service style laptops for backcountry use
Rehabilitation Assistant 6 laptops and 1 projector
President PC & flat panel monitor
Founder / Executive Director Laptops, computers, printers,scanners,pen drives,

complete set of computers
nature and environmental youth programs 3 computers, specs above. wide screen monitor x 2
Provides advocacy, professional development and marketing services for 80+ magazines published in British Columbia 1 or 2 iMacs and/or a Mac mini with server
Dayhome Provider 2 units desktop computers with 1 printer
CEO 2 laptops and 4 desktop
IT/Office Systems Coordinator Laptop IDE Hard-Drive (any size) for use in a otherwise working laptop
Community Outreach 2 computers and 1 laptop
Child Development Assistant 4 CPUs and monitors
InterChange is a growing, united, and diverse community of community-based peacebuilders around the world who: build relationships; share knowledge, skills and experiences; collaborate on educational and research projects; and support one another with the aim of nurturing and developing dynamic, durable and positive peace. This network is presently concentrated in Canada, Croatia, and East Africa. 2-3 laptops
computer tech 10 p4 computer systems 5 laptops p4 10 gigabytes of extra ddr ram 10 gigabytes of pc133 ram.
Computer in need basic compuers
Program Director 25 - 30
Umbrella is a new co-op. We are in the planning stage and not currently offering many services. The Umbrella’s goal is to offer medical, dental, nutritional, counselling, complementary and preventative health services. All of these services are accessible to a variety of languages and cultures through Cross-Cultural Health Brokers who provide health promotion, language and cultural facilitation. One PC (desktop including monitor)
4 Computers 4 Computers
Board Member Computers, laptops, photo and video equipment
Director Working Desktops, monitors, and laptops
‘’A farming, craft and life skills community for adults with developmental disabilities, 3 computers
Non profit Charitable Organization 5 computers - 2 desk tops, 2 lap tops
Program Coordinator Computers/Laptops
Animal Shelter laptop
Non profit affordable independent school
Managing Editor Imac
Executive Director Computers, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, Memory Cards, Digital Cameras
President computer workstations
1 monitor, 2 laptops and any other office equipments
Executive Director 3 desktop computers and monitors or laptops
Executive Director 2 computer sets, 1 printer
Affordable Housing 8 Computers
Executive Director MAC laptops and MAC Desktops
Education Committee secretary 8 laptops, 1 desktop
affordable used bikes, bicycle repair shop, maintenance education, and community ressources centre Computer tower for desktop station
Program Manager 2 PC computers

PC Computer Parts i.e. Hard Drives> 100 GB, 4 pcs.,Memmory chips SDRam 168 pin, 100/133 MHz > 500 MB, 6 pcs; DDR 266/333/400 MHz., 1 GB and over 12 pcs
Moving Forward instructor computers
President Two Apple desktop computers no shorter than G4 preferably G5 PowerMac
Request for Computers/parts 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM, 50 GB hard disk space, DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Community Farm with production for food bank and community meals computer or laptop